Step 1: Extract data on project beneficiaries from the HSS

Get project beneficiaries from HSS

What is the HSS?: the HSS (Housing Subsidy System) is a national system that contains data on beneficiaries allocated to a specific project.

For more details view the HSS online here.

Extract data from the HSS in CSV format. Only demographic data should be exported from the system. Follow the steps below to gather the requisite information.

  1. Visit the HSS online

  2. Access the project list page

  3. Locate specific project list

  4. Export the project beneficiaries ID number list for that project

In many cases, ERF numbers were not available at the time beneficiaries were allocated to properties and ‘dummy’ site numbers were used. Thus, the quality of this data is poor and may not provide an accurate picture of the actual property allocated to the beneficiary. This data should be used with caution.

Maturity Roadmap: suggestion for improvement

It is possible to streamline this process by creating an API that would allow data to be requested and extracted in a specified format. This would enable automated uploading of the data into a database

Last updated