39. The Central Bank of Kenya (Mortgage Refinance Companies) Regulations, 2019
Quick link: https://kenyalaw.org/kl/fileadmin/pdfdownloads/LegalNotices/2019/LN134_2019.pdf
路 Following an amendment to the Central Bank of Kenya Act by the Finance Act 2018 to provide for the regulation of mortgage refinance business in Kenya, these Regulations were established to provide for the Central Bank of Kenya鈥檚 powers to license and regulate mortgage refinance companies.
路 Thus far only the Kenya Mortgage Refinance Company has been licensed by the Central Bank of Kenya under these Regulations.
路 The Regulations were amended in 2020 vide The Central Bank of Kenya (Mortgage Refinance Companies) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 which revoked CBK鈥檚 power to provide guidelines for group structures of mortgage refinance companies and the opening, closure and relocation of branches for mortgage refinance companies.
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