16. Public Health (Drainage and Latrine) Rules, 1948
The Rules provide for setting up of drainage and latrines in order to enhance public health standards.
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The Rules provide for setting up of drainage and latrines in order to enhance public health standards.
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Quick Link: http://www.kenyalaw.org/lex//sublegview.xql?subleg=CAP.%20242#/akn/ke/act/ln/1958/467/sec_9
路 Rule 4 empowers the local authority to enforce drainage of undrained buildings by issuing a written notice to the owner requiring them to make a drain or drains emptying into a sewer belonging to the local authority.
路 Rule 6 provides that all new buildings must be drained by providing that no building shall be erected unless a drain or drains have been constructed as may be necessary for the effectual drainage of the building.
路 Under rule 7, the local authority may give notice to the owner of a building requiring them to provide sinks, drains or other necessary appliances to a building where the same is necessary.
路 Rule 83 provides that all new buildings must be provided with latrine accommodation by providing that no building shall be erected or occupied without proper and sufficient latrine accommodation so situated as to be conveniently accessible to all persons employed or accommodated therein.