Contracting with Conveyancers

The Housing Authority will need to appoint conveyancers to register the property transfer on their behalf. Conveyancers, in accepting an appointment from a Housing Authority, must agree to the process and documentation set stipulated by the Housing Authority.

Conveyancers must further agree to accept images of documents captured by enumerators during occupancy surveys.

When appointing a conveyancer the contract should specify:

  • Activities to be undertaken by conveyancer

The housing authority should request that conveyancers;

ask about the marital status of transferees when signing sale agreements,

check that transferees are still alive prior to lodgement, particularly where there has been a delay between the signing of sale agreements and lodgement

check details of title deeds carefully when they are received from the deeds office and rectify any errors before returning the deed to the Housing Authority

  • Timelines​

  • Fees​

  • Penalties for non-compliance

Last updated